Saturday, January 1, 2011

First post of the year ;)

This is post #1 for 2011!! :)
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and a very happy New year! :)
I had a great Christmas! Once I get all my pictures uploaded and edited, I'll post them.

We got a Wii for Christmas! It's so fun. :) Yesterday, my Mom went and got the Wii Fit Plus.
It has games on there for excercise. Like arobics and yoga excercies and workouts. You can make goals, and keeps your records. :)

Lastnight, for New Years Eve, I tried making a two layer chocolate cake from scratch, from a cookbook I got for Christmas. It turned out dry and kind of bitter. :/ It was pretty pitiful looking too. (lol)

I'll be posting pictures soon~


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