Thursday, January 20, 2011


I woke up this morning to about 3 inches of snow already covering the ground!! I was so excited. Laura and I bundled up in all our layers, and went right down the road to the little pond. There is a small hill there. :) We stayed for a while and went sledding, made snow angels, tried to make a snow man, but the snow was to powdery. Once, while sliding down the hill, I fell off and went face first into the snow. That felt real good. haha :D 

                            We got about 3 to 4 inches!

(Me, drinking my hot chocolate. Laura took this.)


                          After we had been inside for awhile, we decided to go back out again. But, it was just too cold! My fingers felt frozen! :)

(snow inside a flower pot)

                 So, we came back in and drank some hot chocolate with  peppermint sticks. mmmmmmmmmm......

(Laura drinking her hot chocolate)

Have you gotten any snow lately?


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