Friday, February 25, 2011

30 day photo challenge: day one

Today's is, post a photo of yourself, with fifteen random facts about yourself. ~
I encourage you to do it also! You may have already heard of it, or you can just do it following what I do each day.

(That's not really a photo of me, it's more like a photo of a cupcake, but oh well. :)

  1. I'm taller then my Mom and older sister.
  2. I don't like math.
  3. I have the sweetest Cocker Spaniel in the world. :)
  4. I have moved several times.
  5. I took one year of ballet in the 2nd grade.
  6. I've grown up singing and harmonizing with my sisters.
  7. I miss having chickens and fresh eggs. :)
  8. I love sunflowers.
  9. I love orange juice. It's best right out of a freshly cut orange. 
  10. Cranberry Orange muffins are really good. :)
  11. I'll be sixteen in 5 1/2 weeks.
  12. I love to ride my bike.
  13. I think ripsticks are really fun. It seems a lot of people have never heard of them. If you haven't, it's like a skateboard but tons better. :) Do you know what it is? I'm interested to know. :)
  14. I'm not very creative when it comes to writing.
  15. I love chocolate.

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