Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day.

Carlotta over at pastor's girl's ponderings is having a giveaway! She is giving away a lovely item. 
   Go here to enter >>

I hope y'all are having a nice day! It got up to 70 degrees today!! Can you believe it? It feels so warm out there compared to below freezing temperatures.  My Mom, Laura and I went on a bike ride; we were out sledding just a few days ago! It's so weird. But it's really nice. I can't wait until it's like this. Everyday. And doesn't change for awhile. I know, I know, in previous posts I went on and on about how much I didn't quite want the snow and the cold to go away, but I did also say that I would probably would be ready for it by the time it came around. Although it hasn't been real long since then, I am ready for spring now. :) So there. ha :)
(did that make any sense? :))

I'm also tired of my heavy sweaters, and boots. I'm ready for short sleeves, shorts, and sandals. Now that I got contact lenses, (instead of glasses) I can wear sunglasses! I'm glad! I haven't bought any yet, but I'm going to. Real soon. ;) 
I've always made fun of the sunglasses with the real big lenses. I called them 'bug eyes'. Because really, you know when you see a very magnified photo of a house fly, they have the huge eyes? Well, that's what they remind me of. Am I the only one? :) I'm sorry it you wear and like those kind. But honestly, the thing is, is I'm afraid I might end up liking them myself. oops. hehe. ( I'm not talking about the huge huge ones, but the medium size :)) But hey, they must be nice. They cover up more of your face, to help keep the sun from getting in your eyes. Unlike the smaller ones where the sun comes in on the sides, ect. :)

Well, this has ended up to be a post full of just a few random things. :) But, what's wrong with that? :)

Have a happy Valentines Day!


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