Monday, February 28, 2011

my first earthquake.

Well, lastnight I experienced my first earthquake! :) It was a very mild one. But it seems that most of the state felt it, and also in a state nearby. It was also storming and there were tornadoes watches, which is funny because the two have nothing to do with eachother. It was about 11:00pm and I was in the bathroom, getting ready for bed and it sounded like a really strong wind came sweeping across that side of the house and the walls sorta shook and vibrated. Laura was already in bed and said that her whole bed vibrated. I've always thought it would be so cool to be in a real earthquake. One where you go tumbling out of your bed and on to the floor, and things falling off the shelves. I still do. :) I know they can be very dangerous, but I still think that it would be sorta of a neat and fun experience. But only if we could experience that part with out buildings and homes being destroyed. :)

(Our sweet cat Annie. Often called by Laura and I, 'Baby Annie". Were really the only ones that like her. :))

I apparently hold my pencil different then most people. Or, so I've been told. I've been writing a whole lot the last couple days and so I now have a nice callas on my ring finger. nice. ;)

My mom planted some tulips the other day. I can't wait for them to bloom. :)

Well, even though we had a rainy and stormy night, it's bright and sunshiney now. :)
Hope your Monday was great!

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