Thursday, March 24, 2011

warm weather, Laura's b-day, and plans after highschool

The trees are putting out tiny green leaves. They're just so cute. :)

No more bare trees! Soon they will be full and the backyard will be shady again!
Laura had a fun birthday. Her birthday was on Thursday (Saint Patricks Day) and we took Chloe and Dumpling,(our Cocker Spaniels) to the park to go for a walk. That's always tons of fun. ;) And on Saturday, we went to the zoo!(previous post)

Because of time change, we can now go on a bike ride through the neighborhood, after dinner! It's great!

I finished reading the drivers permit book! I'll go through it again and study some more, but then hopefully soon I can go take the test and get my drivers permit! ;)
Only 9 more days, and I'll be sixteen! Most people probably get their license when their 16, and I haven't even gotten my permit yet, but who cares! ;) No, but really, it's not like I have anywhere I need to go right now anyway. I don't have a job yet and I'm home-schooled so I don't need to drive myself to school. :)
I'll be graduating in a little over two years! I'm afraid it will be here before I know it. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do after I graduate. I know I still have some time, but I should probably start thinking about it... I'm really not even considering college. I just don't think it's for me; Hannah never went to college. -Eventually I would like to do photography from home. Do shoots for people, sell photographs, ect.
But I'm not sure yet what God has planned for me. :) Just some thoughts...
A dream job of mine is to be apart of a reenactment! Like at musuems, where people dress historically and reenact history. I want to put on the historical clothes and be in the atmosphere. :)


1 comment:

Abigail and Lydia said...

Hi eliza! thanks for the note! :) Les Miz is on YouTube and you can find the music and DVD and other stuff on Amazon. "On My Own" is so incredible, she did a wonderful job! I agree it would be so much fun to be in something that big!

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