Thursday, April 28, 2011

the sun is shining again

Water has been falling from the sky almost non stop for the last week; yet we think nothing of it. :)
And now, after four or five inches of standing water in the backyard, and a flooded sunroom, I look out my window and see sunshine. At last. :)

A couple times this week, we've all squished into the guest bathroom while the tornado sirens go off. The guest bathroom is the safest place for us to go because it has plumbing, and it's more in the center of the house with no exterior walls. I saw pictures of a tornado that was in my town only a couple days ago, making it's way down and forming a funnel, but thankfully never actually touched down. God has blessed us! But, there are people who have been hit by tornadoes this past week who we need to be praying for!

So, on Easter, Sunday evening, Laura went into the sunroom to find almost an inch of standing water. Her and I used little tubawares to scoop it up a little at a time, dumping it all in a little trashcan. We made several trips to the front yard to dump it, while it was still raining and storming. We collected fifteen gallons of water off the floor! :) We moved everything out because were going to have the carpet taken out. Some books got really wet, and our computer had a bunch of water in it. But we were told that the most important parts are up high and probably didn't get wet. :) So hopefully it will be alright and not ruined.

(I'm going to post a tutorial on how to make these soon. :))


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